This is a great article regarding the distance of your headrest and whiplash injury. At Laurel Regional Chiropractic, we analyze our patient's headrests and advise them as to the correct distances to minimize injury.
Ivancic PC, Sha D, Panjabi MM. Whiplash injury prevention with active head restraint. Clin Biomech 2009 Nov;24(9):699-707.
BACKGROUND: Previous epidemiological studies have observed that an initial head restraint backset greater than 10 cm is associated with a higher risk of neck injury and persistent symptoms. The objective of this study was to investigate the relation between the active head restraint position and peak neck motion using a new human model of the neck.
METHODS: The model consisted of an osteoligamentous neck specimen mounted to the torso of a rear impact dummy and carrying an anthropometric head stabilized with muscle force replication. Rear impacts (7.1 and 11.1g) were simulated with and without the active head restraint. Physiologic rotation was determined from intact flexibility tests. Significant reductions (P<0.05)>0.3 and P<0.001).
FINDINGS: The active head restraint significantly reduced the average peak spinal rotations, however, these peaks exceeded the physiologic range in flexion at head/C1 and in extension at C4/5 through C7/T1. Correlation was observed between the head restraint backset and the extension peaks at C4/5 and C5/6.
INTERPRETATION: Correlation between head restraint backset and spinal rotation peaks indicated that a head restraint backset in excess of 8.0 cm may cause hyperextension injuries at the middle and lower cervical spine. The active head restraint may not be fully activated at the time of peak spinal motions, thus reducing its potential protective effects.
Dr. Louis Crivelli and Dr. Paul Tetro
Whiplash injuries are very painful. People who suffer from such injuries should not delay the compensation claim.The most common cause of whiplash is from when a car or another vehicle hits the back of yours when you are driving. The person who hit you from behind is always liable for the accident, and therefore if you have been in this situation and are injured from it, you are generally able to make a whiplash injury claim against them. The best way to get the right amount of compensation is by getting legal advice from a professional who can help to obtain a whiplash injury settlement. Visit no win no fee claims for more information.